Senin, 02 Oktober 2017

Tugas 1 : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis1

PT. Zahir International

My name is Aqsha Riani Fatya,  I studied at Gunadarma University and majored in accounting. After I graduate, I want to work in PT. Zahir. In the company, I work as part of finance in the company.
PT. Zahir International is a company and developer accounting software with the name of Zahir Accounting established by the son of the nation of Indonesia since 1996. Zahir Accounting version 1.0 was created the first time in 1996. Later in 1997 it was developed into version 2.0 and marketed starting in 1999. Since marketed, Zahir Accounting is a concern for entrepreneurs who really need accounting software to support their business records easily, quickly , and just right. PT. Zahir International has created various editions of Zahir Accounting 6 software, Zahir Point of Sale (POS) 6, Zahir POS Mobile, Zahir Report Server 6, Zahir Sales Order Mobile, Zahir Enterprise Plus and Zahir Online. Zahir Accounting has been used by over 30,000 small, medium and large enterprises with 50,000 users (users / licenses) in Indonesia and abroad. Zahir is now spread in more than 30 cities in Indonesia in the form of headquarters and branches, outlets, agents, and resellers.

The reason I want to work in PT. Zahir, because I like to use zahir application to make sales or purchase transactions easily. The Zahir application makes it easy for financial workers to manage the company's finances.

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